Backup & Recovery, your lifeline
Backup and recovery are among the most important parts of IT security strategy as they help prevent data loss and allow organizations to continue business operations even if data is lost or corrupted. Nevertheless, it is the most underestimated topic in many companies.
When was the last time you looked at your backup process? When was the last time you tried recovering important data?

​Secure data in the office and still be protected from threats

Protect your physical servers
​Due to various factors, some physical servers cannot be virtualized, along with endpoints that may not be fully protected using backup solutions designed for virtualized systems. Therefore, everyday occurrences such as hardware failures, file corruption, ransomware, or even theft can put a company's data at risk.

Protect your virtual servers
Virtualization is standard in today's data center, and for most organizations, virtualization is the driver of modernization. From file servers to the critical applications and databases that power global businesses, almost everything across the spectrum is virtualized. Virtual machine backup is essential to the data center and must be considered when planning your data protection strategy.
Immutable data backup
Keep ransomware at bay with native, immutable, tested backups
An immutable data backup refers to a form of data backup in which the backed up data cannot be subsequently modified or deleted. This is achieved by storing the backup copies on a specially secured storage medium that ensures data integrity protection.

Stop ransomware, ensure backup compliance, and ensure data recoverability by making your backup copies immutable. Automate the protection and security of your backups throughout their lifecycle, both on-premises and in the cloud.
Protection with the NEW Hardened Linux Repository, which stores backups on immutable storage, preventing modification or encryption

Protection of your mobile devices Veeam workstation backup

Protect your computer
Data on mobile devices can be encrypted or even destroyed by a hacker attack; and many a wrong click has already led to massive data loss. However, theft is the most common cause of data loss on mobile devices such as notebooks. And once the data is gone, the damage can be enormous.
Cloud backup is the ideal complement to your data backup in the office
A cloud backup protects your data from threats that can happen to you in the office. Mobile end devices are also better protected in this way, since a backup runs even when your employees are not in the office.
Also back up particularly sensitive data in the cloud.

At least two physically separate locations
Data can always be lost somehow. Storage media can fail after a long period of use; a lightning strike or short circuit may render the hardware unusable; a flood can destroy the entire IT network.
Therefore, if you do not have a cloud backup, you should provide at least two physically separate locations for your backup.